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OverAbba' that even a thing?

So, back in November 21' I had a setback, a rather painful and frustrating setback...and they cut my favourite jeans!!!

Went to an Abba tribute night which would have been amazing...was amazing actually...had I not overabba'ed on the dance floor, resulting in an embarrassing collapse, followed by a 7 hour agonising wait in A&E.

DIAGNOSIS - left knee ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and meniscus damaged, an old skiing injury rearing its ugly head. Leg brace and crutches for me for while I played the waiting game for a scan to judge the extent of the damage. Luckily, due to our fabulous NHS, I waited only a couple of days for my MRI and within a week I was on the waiting list for the operation.

Being such an active person and having been through many injuries before, I knew the wait and recovery was going to be hell and I anticipated a long (maybe a year or more) wait for my operation date due to COVID backlog. So I was more than pleasantly surprised, in fact i'd go as far as to say shocked, when I received news that the Op had been scheduled for mid February. Apparently, I had been placed as a priority due to my mental health, which I thought was absolutely fine, there was though, concern raised because I cried at every appointment...which was true...I cried a lot but that was out of frustration more than anything else!

So, what did I do between November and February? Well, I got very bored once the pain had subsided, I read a fair few books (look out for book reviews on my instagram, jacqsandblue and I spent a lot of time sat in Little Blue on the driveway, planning trips, drinking hot chocolate, getting a bit creative and wishing I could drive and escape with Little Blue somewhere different for a while. It was while I was sat in Blue, feeling sorry for myself and for her, that I had the idea to SET UP THIS BLOG! A blog to celebrate Little Blue and all the joy she has brought us in just the few short months of having owned her and all the joy she will continue to bring.

I have enjoyed every minute of documenting our adventures. This Little Blue Camper blog has given me a purpose, a focus and a distraction from the pain.



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